Woowee! Its been two months since I've logged in to my neocities. Since then I have bought a brand new laptop since my other one was absolute shite and falling apart every few months. And I'm also unwillingly being forced to dropout of highschool... yayy... More things I don't have a choice in!
I becoming a legal adult in a year but I can't help but feel frustrated still. Also in a literal week is going to be my birthday. May 20th if you're too lazy to check.
I always have so much to talk about but never enough energy to. I told my dad off, not in the way you'd think though. I still respect him but he's outdated in his views now and his personality is irritating, I can't blame him for that. He's traumatized but I want to break out of this. My parents push me up while also unintentionally push me down too. They done this my entire life.
It's impossible to be ready for adulthood. But I have confidence and faith in myself that I will be able to survive and thrive despite the challenges of todays economy. I will be very scared, I will probably have many panic attacks and breakdowns but I know I can push through.
That's what I told my dad. I've also told my mother that I am beginning to solidify myself as a person now. I'm starting to know who I am for this stage in my life. I'm not saying this me will be the forever me, I will always be changing but I know the me of right now. I'm not confused and I'm ready to accept that one day I will change and I may be confused again or maybe never solidify again. I'm just happy that I am me.