TOday has been a good day. I had a very exciting debate about womens rights, transgender rights, and washrooms. You already know where this is going.
If you are expecting me to say that I won the debate and absolutely demolished the other person and everyone clapped then you are wrong.
I also should clarify that I am on the side of transwoman being allowed to go into the womans restroom. Transwomen are women and ANYONE could be rapists, a transwomen could, a cisgender man, a cisgender women, a transman, someone nonbinary, anyone. Rapists and sexual offenders are not defined by gender.
They were on the side that transwomen shouldn't be in womens washrooms because biological women might be harmed or afraid.
I would like to say that I believe this girl who I was debating with is a good person. She has the heart and wants to help and protect people. Its just she does it in a way that hurts others. She is also pro-life and is against abortion (I think she said unless its for a situation you might die in but I could be wrong because she is fairly conservative.)
I really do hope that she'll change her mind one day and realize that not all men and women are the same biologically. Her arguements were more biological. She believe that men are the head of the households because its in their biology and women are the housewives because its in the biology. That may sound misgynoistic but everytime she says this she always says after that both men and women are equal. I think what she means by this is that both roles are incredibly important. The woman is just as important as the man and the man is just as important as the woman and the same goes for the roles too.
I do not agree with the biological standpoint. These roles we have were made up by society a long time ago because we needed them, in this day and age they arent so need anymore though. Also she focuses on more of the physical part of biology and forget the insides. Some men can have more estrogen than testorone and the other way around. I'm pretty sure you can have different chromosones that don't align with your sex and intersex and people with ambigous sexes exist too. This is all i think of from the top of my head without also mentioning mental gender and stuff.
The human is funky and weird. Its not going to make sense all the time.
I do truly believe her words also did not come from hate too. I don't think she agrees with transgender people, at least from what I observed but its not transphobia its more like misunderstanding. She won't go attacking them or think less of them. I think she is more concerned with their mental health. She does believe in transtrenders though so I could be wrong.
Transtrenders are real but I don't think they should be a problem. People are using them as an excuse to be transphobic and push their idealogy and hate. I believe "transtrenders" have the right to experiment with the gender and be what they want to be. If they really are doing it as a trend I think its best to ignore because they just want attention. People like that will need to learn to grow and get some help for attention-seekingness instead. Go see a therapist.
I'm thinking of writing a rebutal to her speech. I don't think she'll mind because me and her are on very good terms with one another.
Like I said I do believe that she says all of this with the goodness of her heart even though its wrong. I hope she keeps her mind open and I will too for her.